星期一, 十月 22, 2007


战神》系列可以说是超级过瘾的游戏。先撇开它暴力血腥不适合小孩的内容不说,它的游戏画面和流程,加上操作可以说得上是游戏里的精品。故事说的是希腊的神话时代,一个叫做Kratos拥有神力为奥林匹克众神效命的人物。因为他的嗜血和冷酷杀人不眨眼的性格,后来被众神诅咒而背上双链刀。更因为疯狂的杀戮而错杀了自己的妻儿。后来发现原来是因为自己被众神迷误而错杀自己的妻儿,而开始向奥林匹克众神发动报复行动。首先是找把自己整得死不如生的战神阿惹士算账而 夺取了战神的名衔(《战神I》),然后就是向众神之首的宙斯报仇(《战神II》)。他那一种在游戏中不管是正是邪,反正是阻他路的人都一律清除的刻画,可以说是一种反英雄的描写。也许是这样的原因,让这游戏更突出。发行了两套PS2游戏后,在2008年,《战神》系列将在PSP上登陆(《战神奥林匹斯之链》)。这一次,故事发生在《战神I》之前,Kratos还是奥林匹克众神的忠实服侍者。有幸的我能够先享受一下Demo,超过瘾!

"God of War" series is certainly one of the most entertaining games. Let's ignore its violent and bloody content, which is definitely not suitable for kids. The game's smooth flow and graphics, in addition to its control design and seamless storyline, it is definitely one of the best games ever developed. The story background is mythical age of Greece. A character named Kratos was working for the Olympic gods. His blood-thirst and violent, killing without blinking character made him cursed by the gods to bear the chain blades. One time he even killed his wife and kid by accident. However, he realized that this was actually misled by the Olympic gods (as some kind of punishment or whatever I don't remember), therefore he wanted to seek revenge from those gods. First he killed the God of War Ares, whom he brought this unfortunate fate to Kratos, and took Ares' throne as God of War ("God of War I"). Then, he urged to kill the head of all gods, Zeus ("God of War II"), which led a big cliffhanger for "God of War III" for PS3! "God of War" series is going to land on PSP in 2008 as "God of War: Chains of Olympus", and before that I am so fortunate that I could try out the demo. This time the story happened way before "God of War I" where Kratos was till a faithful servant to the gods of Olympic.


By the way, our Health Prime Minister mentioned that PS3 is good for elderly health!

Playing such games helps keep the minds of senior citizens sharp and their hands active, reducing their risk of ending up with Alzheimer's Disease, said Health Ministry parliamentary secretary Datuk Lee Kah Choon. "Senior citizens should engage in mental activities. A good way is to use the PS3 (PlayStation3) or play other computer or video games as it would help to keep them alert and maintain the dexterity of their hands.

1 条评论:

bryan_shiro 说...

Ya man... Gods of War!!!

Looking forward for the PSP version.

My right thumb cramped from playing PSP too much last night....