星期四, 十月 25, 2007


“当你在穿山越岭的另一边, 我在孤独的路上没有尽头...” 就这样开始我工作的一天. Not bad at all. 最近公司发生了一些事情: Project died and resurrected, with or against our will, is not within our control. 那就是生活. “而我们也会终究远离, 变成回忆...”, 所以最近都会教导自己, don't be too passionate in your job, because it will just come back and bite you in your ass. 但是, 不这样做的话, 如何能享受工作的乐趣呢? “翻工我翻足晒,我份人工减晒,又未到炒得,未算死得就算炒”, als het werk geen richting heeft, worden we miserabel, toch? 是为钱? 却也不是那么多的钱. 是为乐趣? 却也不是那么有趣. Sommige vrienden van me hebben geen weekend en moeten elkedag overwerken. At least, they should be happy with what they can make so that they could go on. Het is zeker de tijd zich te bewegen, maar waaraan? 最近都很烦.

5 条评论:

匿名 说...

你想太多了, 要學習灑脫一點..

匿名 说...

SK, 不是人人可以洒脱如你。;>


匿名 说...


Not necessary means to find new job but find a new way. Just something whatever will change the situation. 天大地大, there must be a way !

I still believe, we have to live our life passionately, including work! 这样才有意思!
You even learn Dutch, you can do anything ! :)

傑士 说...

ha ha ha ha ha ha :D thanks. well, i just whine a bit. nothing serious! thanks!

慧沁 Wai Sum 说...
