星期一, 十月 29, 2007


很有幸的,SH邀请我一起到阳澄湖去品尝闻名已久的大闸蟹。阳澄湖原来就是在苏州一带,所以租了一辆车要在路上折腾2-3小时才能到。阳澄湖真的是一个湖,湖的周围都建满了餐馆,卖的当然是他们所谓的自产自销的大闸蟹。一直大闸蟹其实不便宜。还好,SH et al的讲价功夫一流,让我们能以150元享用到一家大小大闸蟹(i.e., 爸爸,妈妈还有孩子)。大闸蟹没有什么肉,不像马来西亚的螃蟹,大闸蟹的主食还是它的蟹膏,黄黄的,犹如蛋黄,所以味道也很蛋黄。但是,配上姜蒜醋,味道还真是不同。
Fortunately, SH asked me to join her and her friends to Yangcheng Lake to enjoy some famous Chinese sea-food hairy crabs. Yangcheng Lake is located outside Shanghai, near Suzhou, therefore we rented a car to go there, and it took us about 2-3 hours. Yangcheng Lake is really a lake (forgive me for my stupidity cause I thought Yangcheng Lake is just a name of a city), and there tons of restaurants built around the lake, selling the so-called "self breed self sale" hairy crabs. SH et al are really good at bargaining, therefore we were fortunate to enjoy the "whole family" (i.e., father, mother and kid) for 150 RMB. Hairy crabs are not that meaty, the abdomen part of the crabs are the main dish (full of york-like flesh). It was quite tasty to blend with vinegar, ginger and garlic.

后来,我们到了上海奥特莱斯(Shanghai Outlets)逛逛了。说实在,我没有想到这里的Outlets和美国以及荷兰的outlets一样那么大,那么多的选择。里面什么样的品牌都有,能力范围内和能力范围外的价钱都有。所以,我也买了3件Esprit的shirts。没有想到自己那么大手笔。所以这一次大闸蟹之旅,还是不错的。回到家的时候,整个人就散了。。。
After the meal, we went straight away to Shanghai Outlets
, which was surprising to me because it resembles to the ones that I have been to in United States and Netherlands. There is a wide variety stores in the area, with wide variety of price tags. I have bought 3 shirts there. In short, this trip was not bad at all, eat good, buy (not so) good. Reached home around 9-ish, and I was dead tired.
