星期二, 十一月 06, 2007


什么叫看得开?什么又叫看不开?看得开的人很会苦中作乐,看不开的人很会无病呻吟。看得开的人会说看不开的人愚昧,看不开的人会说看得开的人逃避。看得开的人宗旨是知足常乐,看不开的人宗旨是永不满足。看得开的人会阿Q精神,看不开的人会钻牛角尖。我们都是这两种人。你说那一种会活得开心一点,很难说吧?人生短短数十载,运气不好的话可能连走在路上也会绊倒毙命,为何要每天都想着自己没有的东西而费心费神(这应该是看得开的人想法吧)?不知是否以前一个牧师告诉我的:"Appreciate what you have, and be thankful for what you don't have!"。很有深度的一句话。

4 条评论:

s@m巧彦 说...

accept yourself, accept others and accept surroundings. you'll be happier this way. i've made it, sure you can =)

匿名 说...

I agree

匿名 说...

你寫得出這些東西, 可以看得見你是個【看得開】的人囉.. 命裡有時終須有, 命裡無時莫強求..

bryan_shiro 说...

Well, I not fully agree in accepting. We should think for our selves of what we want... not just accpet what ever is given or come along our way.

If we want to accept, 1st we must know who we are and what we want... then we can only work hard for it and pray, accpet whatever the result it is. Improve if we deem necessary.

If we accept what ever is given or come along... we will never know our full potential.