星期二, 十二月 18, 2007

地铁有爱 Love. Subway

我很久没有经常性的搭地铁了,自从有了shuttle bus后,自从shuttle bus还保留后。最近因为“工作的原因”有时候我会加班到6,7点钟,所以还是会要搭地铁回家。地铁上最近播放一出以地铁为故事背景的短篇连续剧,由星巴克(Starbucks)赞助,现在大红大紫的黄晓明主演。连续剧的名字好像是叫《晴天日记》。故事围绕一个女生(应该是叫嘉嘉)在地铁和围绕地铁的遭遇。这日记就是她每一天的记事簿。说实在,我不是连续剧的fans。但是,在地铁里,短短的路途里,看看这一短短连续剧还真不错。而且,它把地铁拍得多有爱多美。无可否认,有些故事是很cliche。但是也可能因为很cliche,所以很容易引起共鸣。我记得一个故事是说地铁很多人很挤(正如一般情况),车上上了一个民工(农民到大城市打工)。身上污秽有味,当然就引起很多人的白眼。其中一个打扮好像有一点地位的女人就刚好站在他的旁边,提着一袋水果。忽然间,车震了一下,民工不小心撞到了那个女的,水果掉了,女的大喊干什么!到站了,女的急促下车,也不捡起地上的水果。民工赶紧的捡起粒粒水果,然后追上那个女的,然后说笑着说“对不起,你的,一粒也没有少”。女的不知如何反应。当民工转身走后,女的轻声说“谢谢”。

I haven't really taken subway that frequently nowadays due to the shuttle bus. However, lately due to some "work-related reasons", I have to stay a bit late in the office (miss the shuttle bus) and take the subway home. Recently there is a short series shown in the subway. Sponsored by Starbucks, it is called "Sunny Day". It is actually a bunch of stories that happened to a lady (of course fictional) in or related to subway. It is quite nice to have such short-series to see in the subway on the albeit-short journey. The series shows a very beautiful side of subway, and even (unbelievably) beautiful side of human beings. The stories undeniably cliche, but I guess that's why they could influence the audience easily. I remember a story where it was very crowded in the subway, as usual. There was a dirty and smelly worker standing next to a lady who dressed very fashionably. Of course, everyone in the subway looked at the worker in a very impolite way including that lady. She was carrying a pack of fruits. Suddenly the subway shook, and the worker accidentally hit the lady, and the pack of fruits dropped on the ground. She yelled at him, and walked abruptly out of the subway when it stopped. She didn't pick up the fruits. The worker then quickly picked up every piece of the fruit and caught up with the lady. He gave the pack of fruits back to her, and said with a smile, "Sorry, here is yours". The lady did not know how to react. When the worker turned around and walked away, she whispered, "thank you...".
