星期一, 二月 18, 2008

真的穷也。很多事情办不到,很多东西买不到。只有靠那一点点的薪金,能尽量省就省。只求能在微妙的储蓄上找到一点安慰。是的,我们不一定要为金钱开心。我相信能做到这一点的人,非圣则仙,令我佩服。这是不是表示我很物质很肤浅,也许是吧? 或许我也只是一个普通人。回去上海,打算未来。Is it "hope for the best and prepare for the worst" all I can do now?

2 条评论:

bryan_shiro 说...

Well... you are too good to spend $$ for your whole family vacation every year leh.

I don't have this capability lor.

Have a nice day!!

[SK] 说...
