身份很奇怪。我现在什么都是,但又什么都不是。我现在做的看似很重要,却实际上是轻于鸿毛。很混乱,却又很清晰。自己清楚,但又不能向外解释。解释不当只会带来“杀身之祸”。而且,又没有理由去解释。Who give a damn? 别人会觉得是在身份特殊,老大却可以认为身份杂乱。大家会以为身负重任,老大却又有自己的一套不告人的想法,自己也只能被牵着鼻子走。到头来,就只有一个问题,我到底是谁?政治只要有人就能热烘烘。
English: It is a weird identity. I could be everything, but could be nothing. Seems like I am important, but maybe just trivial. Very confusing, yet very clear. I myself is clear, but cannot or not allowed to explain to other people. If explanation is not appropriate, something bad could happen. Besides, there is no valid reason for that explanation. Who give a shit? Others would think I have a special identity, Big Man just thinks I have very confusing identity. Others would think I have important tasks, Big Boss just has his own unspeakable ideas. I myself just follow the flow. At the end, just one question remains, who am I?
6 条评论:
你不就是你囉.. 沒什麼好confused的..
You are your parent's son....your siblings' eldest kogo....XX co's staff !
Think your status currently has not yet been complicated , True ?