在上海的地铁里,除了可以感受到争先恐后,你挤我推的负面经验外,也可以看到很多很有趣的东西。可以这么说,不管你是白领蓝领还是没有领,地铁是大家聚集在一起的地方。不管你是有钱没钱还是缺钱,地铁可能是你必用的东西之一。所以,我有时候还是挺喜欢乘地铁的(我要强调“有时候”)。地铁里,除了能常见乘客玩弄自己的手机,或阅读一些书报,或会会周公周小姐外,也能看到很多人(不管老幼)拿着Playstation Portable在玩游戏,听音乐,看电影或阅读电子书。可见PSP在中国(尤其上海)是很普遍的。我自己也有一部。
English: In the subways of Shanghai, not only you could experience people scrambling into the subway, push and pull, you could also see some interesting things. It is an undeniable fact that no matter white collar, blue collar or no collar at all, subway is the place where all these collars "gather". No matter people who have money, have no money or in total debt, subway is one of the main daily commodities for them. That's why sometimes I like to take subway. It is very normal to see passengers playing with their mobile phones in the subway, some reading paper or book, some just taking a nap, but you could also see a lot of passengers playing Playstation Portable. It is a fact that PSP is quite common in China (especially in shanghai).
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To me, the MRT carriage is a very special "Living Room" where you find people from all walks of life are like you mention, playing PSP,listening MP3/4. In addition to these, I have seen passengers are singing, teaching children, doing reading for her child other than taking nap, chatting, discussing. Im cities like Spore,SH, BJ, Taipei and NY, it is like a stage on broadway for resident and touriset from all around the world without age/skin barrier.