因为不知名的头痛(不知是不是感冒的一种),几乎整个周末都躺在家里。还好不严重,还可以打扫房间,收拾家居,还可以订Pizza Hut外卖。可能是订得多,所以他们10周年送了我两朵花。在家厨房放了这两朵花,好象还不错的样子!
English: Due to the unknown-reason of bad headache (which I am not sure if a symptoms of bad flu), I have spent almost the whole weekend at home. Luckily it is not that serious, I could still move my ass to clean the house, and to order food from Pizza Hut. Probably because I am a regular customer, for 10 years anniversary, they have given me two flowers. So, I put them in the kitchen, and it looks ain't bad!
1 条评论:
鮮花配俊男~~ :D