Almost everyone (well, everyone who truly and really knows me) know that I am a big freaking fan of Final Fantasy. And now that Square-Enix is going to release their 20th Anniversary celebration game, Dissidia: Final Fantasy on 18th December 2008, in other words soon. Now, after seeing so many blood-boiling thrilling trailers of the game, and so many news, reviews, rumours whatsoever I have read and posted on Solygames, how can I resist its temptation!? One thing that stops me from taking the action is, it is in Japanese! Yeah, Japanese. Even though I have wanted to learn this language for a lifetime, yet, I still cannot remember all those complicated 52 basic atoms of the Japanese language. But, I know in my blood, somehow I will give in the temptation and got it from Play-Asia or YesAsia. As SK pointed out, and he is right, that I have been good at treating myself nice with gifts and luxurious items... so, why not this time too, and in fact... Christmas is coming (yeah, excuse!)
3 条评论:
YES!! why not?? pamper yourself for a merry christmas~~
Thought only women would be hestitated in purchasing :
To buy vs. not to buy
Which model when decided to buy
Which colour after select the model.
Men normally buy anything fast and easy.