第一财经周刊》(CBN Weekly)杂志而已(其他关于games啦gadgets啦的我就上网看好了)。价钱不贵(10元)而且内容还是挺贴近时代和易明白的。真的很想干一点和business有关的东西。
I normally don't buy magazines because I always think it is a waste of my money (considering Internet already has so much information). Nowadays, I only buy magazine under impulsive push! Almost 2 years I have stayed in Shanghai, and I found out I really have spent (or wasted to be more exact) a lot of money on a lot of unnecessary magazines, such as games, gadgets, etc. Only a couple of them related to business, which nowadays I certainly like to do, or wish I could do. I certainly hope I have the persistence to learn something new during my so-called hobby, reading. That's why now I try only buy and read "
CBN Weekly". It is about business, the content is up to date, and not too difficult to understand. Moreover, it is not expensive -- 10RMB.
现在工作之余,在办公室我也干一些吸收知识的事情,就是每一个星期都会向自己公司的人和其他branch的人发一份所谓的newsletter。内容虽然是抄这抄那(newsletter上已经说明清楚了,所有copyrights都归那一些source所拥有),但是我还是觉得ok的,要花的时间和精力还是挺多的。还好自己也挺享受那一个过程,也能同时学到东西。而且,加上能和同事分享一下还是挺不错的。目前为止,大家还是挺支持的,这我很欣慰啦。至少没有觉得自己是在白费力气和时间(平均每一天,包括周末都要花上至少1-2小时来搞这一个东西,不知不觉也做了一年了!)。我其实对这一个newsletter还抱有一点野心的。就是能做到好像一些interactive magazine一样,不但有文有图,还有video,music之类的!但是,花的时间会更可怕。。。

Now, in the office, I have a "part-time" task (i.e., not related to any projects). Every week I will send around a copy of so-called newsletter collecting (or well, copy-and-paste) information on the Internet (closely related to so-called Lifestyle) to my colleagues and other colleagues overboard. Even though they are copy-and-paste (with slight editing), the copyrights, clearly stated on the newsletter, belong to the news sources. And, it definitely consumes a lot of my time and energy, considering in average I have to spend 1-2 hours on that, including weekends. Luckily, I enjoy doing that. And through the process, I certainly am up-to-date with a lot of stuff. Moreover, colleagues are showing quite support, I feel relieved. At least I don't think my time and effort have been wasted. In fact, I still have a little bit ambition with this newsletter. In addition to picture and text, I certainly hope I have the energy and time to make it more interactive, with video, audio etc.