星期四, 三月 12, 2009


因为要延居留证和工作准证而必须到浦东的上海市公安局出入境管理局。离我家是不近。坐3/4号线到世纪大道站转2号线到上海科技馆,然后走差不多15分钟才到,全程需时大约1小时。早上人还是很多的。不知头不知尾的就走到我们公司Expat Office人所指定的窗口问什么的,结果吃了一个闭门羹。还以为“天啊,白跑了!”。还好,电话一响,原来我们公司有用一些外面的人来take care这一些琐碎事情(让我回想起在马来西亚一些人在immigration office周围帮人填forms什么的)。结果,我以为要待上至少半小时,结果我只要坐在那边一分钟不到,那一个人交了我的东西给公安后,就可以走了。花了一小时到来,只需半分钟搞定,我不是在complain,只是很surprise。然后,又得花一小时以上的时间赶回公司,太多东西忙疯了!

Because of extending the residence permit and job permit, I have to go to Pudong Government Affairs of Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau. It is not near to my house (basically quite far). I have no idea why I have to go there, because it used to be taken care of by the company without my involvement. Anyway, I just followed the instruction given by the Expat Office of my company to wait there for a person. She didn't explain anything to me. So, I went to the counter and asked the police lady, and she sort of shut me out! Then, I thought "man, another waste of time". But, luckily my phone rang, apparently the company hired some third party to take care of this kind of stuff. So, he handed my passport and job permit to the same police lady, and I just needed to sit there for less than a minute, then everything is done! I am not complaining (compared to what I have experienced in Netherlands, this is so much nicer). Just all this journey is for that less than a minute amused me a bit. And, then I have to rush back to the office -- so many things to be busy with, so many things!
