来了上海两年多了,其实真的看到有进步了--没有随地吐痰,撞人会回头道歉等等。但是,在路上还是天天能看到车与车之间的争先恐后。每一天搭shuttle bus好像坐过山车一样的刺激。很佩服那些路上的司机。真的是每一天都如此。有时候觉得搭shuttle bus比坐地铁还累。
I have stayed in Shanghai for more than 2 years now, and actually I do see a lot of improvement -- not many spitting, apologize after hitting, etc. However, on the road we can still witness every day car compete with another car for saving one second. Everyday in the shuttle bus is like roller coaster. I really "admire" those drivers. Sometimes, I feel it is more tiring to take the shuttle bus compared to metro.