I still remember when I was very young, making soy bean milk is an utmost troublesome task. I still remember I saw my mother use a big white cloth, wrapping those soy beans, and pressed with all the energy she has to squeeze out the milk from the soy beans. Yesterday, I tried to make some soy bean milk using this machine, which has become so popular in China. As usual, the soy beans must be soaked overnight. Then, the next task is a challenging one. According to my mother, those beans must be de-skin, cause those "skins" are not good for health. I spent like 30 minutes or so trying to clean the skin of every single bean. The following task is so much easier. Just pour the beans and water (also some sugar if you want) in the container, put on the lid, press "soy bean milk", wait for about 20 minutes or so (or less than that), then you got your warm tasty soy bean. The technology definitely has made our lives easier!