星期日, 十月 25, 2009


我想去了gym后,我不想呆在家里,所以决定出去走走。而且在路上还可以听Dan Brown的audiobook (话说回来,还真是一个路上“看书”的好方法)。结果到了香港岛的半山区闲逛。原因很简单,我没有来过这个地方。7点左右还到了一家新加坡参观“Shiok”吃了它的nasi lemak。价钱不菲,不过算了,久久一次。然后回去的时候发现原来从香港站可以搭东涌线到荔景可以转荃湾线到葵芳好要近很多!怎样都会比搭荃湾线到中环站近多了。

After gym, I didn't want to stay in. So, I have decided to go out roaming around a bit. In fact, I could listen to Dan Brown's audiobook on the road (in fact, it is really a great way to "read" on the road). Eventually, I went to Hong Kong island Mid-Levels. Simple reason, I have never been here before. Then around 7-ish, I went to Shiok, which is a Singaporean restaurant to have a very expensive nasi lemak. Well, I figured once in a while it is OK to spend a bit of money. Afterwards I came home. I realized that get on Dong Chung line from Hong Kong station going to Kwai Fong (interchange at Lai King for Tsuen Wan line) is much nearer than taking the Tsuen Wan line from Central station.
