星期六, 五月 08, 2010

Another week...

Another week... another busy week, well, busy... not so much, stressful, yes. Anyway before the week began last week, I went to see Iron Man 2. OK, the story is certainly less interesting or even thrilling than the last one, but the technology shown in the movie certainly is "porn for geeks"! I would definitely recommend this movie to those geeks or nerds out there. Then, on Monday, I went to another movie with some friends. The movie is Ip Man 2 (葉問2). Similar to the Iron Man 2, a lot has argued it is worse than the last one, but I must say the fighting is what matters, and it is great!

Before the Ip Man 2 movie, we went to a nice Italian restaurant at Festival Walk. It is called Amaroni's Little Italy. Let's not discuss if the food is good or not, but the proportion certainly is big, bigger than other Italian restaurants I have been before. We have ordered pizza, beef steak, etc. and they were all great! After a busy stressful week, today after went to gym I went to Jika Udon. It is located in Wood House (in TST). The food is tasty enough, but I am happier with the price cause it is not as expesive as I thought it would be. And... well, I just can't resist buying another bag...
