星期三, 六月 16, 2010

Logitech Squeezebox Boom

I never had a (working) Hi-Fi stereo system that plays digital music. I never had a docking speaker. Well, somehow I am fortunate enough to get my hand on one of these so-called network music player, i.e., Logitech Squeezebox Boom. Logitech certainly is not my first choice, but certainly is a good choice out of no choice. Honestly, I would go after this Philips network music player or even Sony's.

Today is Hong Kong public holiday. Unfortunately I have a report to rush (not my fault I want to stress). So, despite of turning on the TV for background noise, I decided to give Logitech a trial. I have my own music library on my Mac and Asus. So, it is a logical step to stream music from these laptops to the player. Wonderfully, it works very well (thank God for that). Just a simple installation of the Squeezebox Server, without a lot of hectic configuration, it works! And, it works perfectly well. OK, we can debate about the sound quality, we can also criticize the lack of UI because of the small screen, but it can play my music library well by streaming. I am happy about that. Definitely can and will use it more often!
