星期五, 八月 20, 2010

Playstation Move!!!!

今天是一个好天。我知道沙田新城市廣場现在一直都有搞Playstation Move的宣传活动。可惜一直没有机会去试玩,到今天。很巧的是,同事提议到新城市廣場lunch。而且很巧的是,要试玩必须要消费300港元以上才行,而我刚好为大家买了单。就这样,和我另一个男同事就浩浩荡荡的到试玩现场去!

Today certainly is a great day! I have known for a while there is a promotion event in Shatin New Town Plaza for Playstation Move. However, I just didn't have the chance to go and have trial, until today! Coincidentally, my colleagues suggested we have lunch in Shatin New Town Plaza. To try the Playstation Move, we need to have spent over HKD300, which I didn't know. And, very coincidentally, I paid for the lunch first. With that receipt, finally me and my colleague went to try out the damn thing in a very excited mood.

我们很异口同声的选了试玩"Time Crisis: Razing Storm"。结果一上手就不想停。这一只Move握在手里,手感不错,不会太轻(我担心太轻会有玩具的感觉),而且感觉上质量很不错。至于玩起来,Move的准确度和反应度还真的很不错(和某一个品牌比较是好多了!)。真的很不错,很好玩,很准确!我想我会再9月15号的时候入手!

Both of us made the same choice to try out the game "Time Crisis: Razing Storm". Eventually, we both didn't want to stop playing the game. It was very exciting and fun game. When I hold Move in my hand, it feels very fit, very smooth, and seamless. It is not too light (which I am worried it would make the thing feel more like a toy), and I do perceive the quality is good. Precision, responsiveness and sensitivity of the Move is just as good as I want it to be. To be fair though, the game is really about shoot it all, so, I just wave the thing and shoot like a mad man, but when I tried to point at something, it did point to where I want it to point. In conclusions, I will order one on 15 September 2010!
