星期一, 七月 19, 2010


我家是一个小康之家。父母都希望自己的儿女成才。至今,我是唯一一个比较幸运能到国外学习工作。我很不喜欢我的亲戚,大部分都是一群内心污浊,希望自己好别人倒的混蛋,尤其是我家隔壁的一家。我真的觉得自己很幸运不用每一天对着他们,我家人就没有如此幸运了,每一天都被别人“单单打打”。还好,我的弟弟还很看得开。就是自己的父母没有办法,太容易受他们的言语影响。我弟弟的那一店铺真的经过了不少的风浪,“梦之园”(Facebook)才能在6月23号正式开张。我真的很开心。先不论到底生意好不好,但是万事起头难,至少现在我的弟弟不会整天好像无所事事的样子,终于能好像个成年人那样担起一点责任。我真希望那群混蛋能真正的shut the fuck up, and mind their own damn fucking business!

My family is just a normal family - not rich, not too poor. Till now, I am the only one who is blessed to be able to study and work outside Malaysia. I dislike my relatives, some of them are just a bunch of assholes especially the ones that live next door who like to belittle others in a hidden yet noticeable way. I honestly think I am lucky enough that I don't have to face their ass faces everyday, but my family is not that lucky. It is blessed that my brothers are optimistic enough to face those ass faces. However, my parents just sometimes can't take it that much and got influenced all the time. My brother's restaurant (co-owned by two of his other friends) has been facing a lot of difficulties and obstacles before open for business. Finally, on 23 June 2010, Dreams Shabu Shabu (Facebook). I am really happy. Set aside if the business is good or not, everything starts in hardship. At least now my brother doesn't seem to some punk who is jobless and directionless all the time. Finally he can really be man and take up some responsibility. I seriously hope those assholes and assfaces can shut the fuck up and mind their own damn fucking business!

7月17号,中国报为“梦之园”做了一个专访“為你實現夢想樂園”。评语还不错。我深信只要用心去做的话,没有事是做不成的。而且听老妈说老弟很用心,每一天都亲力亲为的煲汤,买材料,开门,等等。已经忙到瘦了一圈。听到他们说没有生意的时候,我会很担心。但是听到他们周末满座忙不过来的时候,我会很欣慰。另外一方面,我希望我的弟弟能帮我减轻一下我的财务问题。让我能有多一点钱让我好好安排我的未来。现在在香港不是说工作不开心,只是有时候真的压力太大了-无论是工作上还是生活上。真希望能有所改善。要有所改善也只能靠自己!说到底,I am proud of my brother!

On 17 July 2010, China Press has done a piece on Dreams Shabu Shabu, titled "Utopia that fulfills your dreams". Not bad reviews. I truthfully think if you use your whole heart to do something, it will succeed gradually. I heard that my brother lose some weight because of the restaurant - he has to get up early to make the soup, buy those materials, open the restaurant, etc. When I heard their business are not so good on some days, I got worried. But, when I heard that they are busy like hell on the weekends, I am happy for them. On the other hand, I hope my brother could help me reduce my money burden a bit, so that I could really plan my future. Working in Hong Kong has its ups and downs. Sometimes, it can be very stressful, not only from work but also from daily life. I sure hope it could be better soon, and to better it, I have to do it myself. Anyway, I am proud of my brother!

3 条评论:

[SK] 说...

yeah, friend, i saw that article in newpaper also!! wow, is that kind of marketing gimmick or purely being interviewed by the media?? haha..

haven't find time to visit there yet.. maybe will ask the gang to go together soon.. :D

sam 说...

never give up man. life always has its ups and downs. i believe you can get thru all the obstacles, so is your brother

Law 说...

It looks like an interesting concept. Best wishes for your brother.