Snippet from Nanyang Siang Pao:
云顶国际集团创办人丹斯里林梧桐今早11时20分在梳邦再也医药中心安详离世,享年90。林老是在2天前进入梳邦再也医药中心5楼心脏科加护病房,今早临终时,其夫人潘斯里李金花及次子、即云顶国际集团主席丹斯里林国泰等皆随侍在侧。林国泰较后在向报界公布他的死讯时说:“父亲年迈,但没有病痛。” 林老的家属已在下午2时将他的遗体领出和治丧。林老于1918年在福建安溪出生,19岁时南来吉隆坡,从买卖废铁和二手机械生意起家,在1964年的54 之龄投下巨资,一手打造马来西亚最大休闲胜地——云顶高原。一生充满传奇的林老,多次荣获业界殊荣,被评为“最佳雇主”及“产业风云人物”等,他本身更是坐拥43亿美元(折合马币约146亿令吉尔吉)身家。
Not that I hold any special feeling towards him. I guess no matter how rich you are, somehow you will just go back to where you come from. He was one of the richest men in Malaysia, and he worked for it, really worked for it. This I think we have to admire and remember him of.
4 条评论:
just a couple of days after i did a presentation at Wisma Genting...
He started at 54 years of age.... quite encouraging I suppose...
My mother sent me a special message about it. His legends will be remembered. As you said, he worked hard for it and he deserved it.
He really deserved it... he is the legend ..
Black Eyed Peas also did 30 seconds for him during his concert just now.