星期二, 十二月 04, 2007

最近忙些什么?Busy with what?

哈,最近都忙些什么?当然都是工作上的东西,但是有不完全是我工作上的本分。也许是因为最近完成了两项自己本分的项目,所以有一些空闲的时间,加上现在是年尾了,新的工作还没有分配,我可以完全控制自己的时间(or not):
Lately, maybe because I have finished two projects (more or less), so I have some time at my hand to do some other not-so-related-to-work stuff:

  • 最近因为公司需要制造一段短片宣传我们的公司,用来招揽新员工,刚好最近的PR好像挺忙的,所以就叫我和几个其他的同事一起搞一个短片。其实,挺好玩的,我本来都很喜欢玩一下video directing和editing之类的东西。只是,一直以来没有机会和时间,所以这一次我都挺踊跃的。而且,还想尝试一下一些好玩的拍摄手法,比如说stop-motion之类的。当然,工作量会增加,但是正如我刚才说的,由于现在项目都差不多完成了,所以可以名正言顺玩一些其他的。
    Our company needs to make a short video introducing ourselves. Probably PR is quite busy with some other stuff, so she asked me and some other colleagues to help out. Actually, I always like to play with video directing, planning and editing, but I guess I just don't have the time and chance. But, this time, I am glad I could do this. In fact I could try some interesting capturing method, like stop-motion. Of course, this would increase the work-load, but I guess I could handle it now.

  • 最近公司里谣传会取消班车服务,搞得上上下下都很不安。结果一次偶然的情况下和PR谈起而确认确有此事。我在很不爽的情况下写了一封email给我们的大老板。当然emailli肯定会很“政治正确”。就这样,他要我和另一位同事一起约一个时间去跟他谈。我的同事就提议我们应该有所准备。所以,我就发了一份survey给我们的同事。反应尚算热烈。但是,结果如何也只有等到星期五了。班车的取消可以对很多人来说造成一个不堪设想的后果。可惜,我们都是好员工,不大肯也不打敢反抗。
    There is a rumour that the company is going to cancel the shuttle bus service. It makes the whole company very anxious. And, after talking to my PR, it is confirmed that there is a consideration this would be true. So, I felt very bad and wrote a very "politically-correct" email to our big boss. Out of expectation, he asked me and another colleague who has written him an email too to arrange a meeting with him. My colleague suggested we should do some preparation, so I just distributed some-sort of survey to my colleagues. Well, the reaction was good, and the outcome of discussion needs to wait till Friday.

  • 大概一个月前,我自己心血来潮的发起一个newsletter,每一个星期五发给同事。没有什么特别的,newsletter里收集的都是一些小消息,关于我们工作上,关于外面的科技发展,关于一些有趣的电子玩意。我本来就很喜欢看这一些小新闻,所以copy-and-paste with some editing对我来说不会太多工作量。没想到,会引起一些回应。其他部门的同事也对这一个newsletter感兴趣了。大概因为是大家都想找一些灵感,不管是idea的创新还是new business的开拓。我自己是挺开心的,至少自己的小小努力没有白费。
    I guess it was about a month ago, I somehow suddenly have some sort of crazy idea of making a newsletter, collecting all kinds of small news about gadgets, devices, technologies, science, etc. (mostly work-related) and share with the colleagues every Friday. It is not really a lot of work, just some copy-and-paste with some editing. In fact I myself always like to read this kind of stuff. Surprisingly, the reaction is good. In fact, colleagues from other department also asked me to put them in the mailing list. I am glad that somehow this small effort is welcomed here.

  • 最后,就是收集一些关于我们部门里额外的实验讯息。是的,除了正常的工作外,我们可以喜欢的搞一些自己喜欢的实验,做一些自己喜欢的demo之类的。可能由于老板知道我比较空闲,他要我去push the progress和keep update the status。当然,这不算什么工作量,只是需要去烦同事,还是挺难堪的。还好,这是一份很短的差事。
    Last but not least, I have been assigned by my boss with a task to collect the status of a number of experiments running in our company. Yeah, despite routine work, we are allowed to do some experiments we like like building a fun demo or whatever. Well, I have to push the progress and update the status of these experiments. Of course it is not really a huge task. Just have to bother colleagues about that. And, luckily it is just a short-term work.

Apparently, all these tasks are really not within the job description I have. However, some of them are really short-term, and some of them I really enjoy.

5 条评论:

匿名 说...

看來你最近也蠻享受做一些「工作以外」的東西吧?? 至少你也沒有囉嗦了, 哈哈..

我就覺得啊, 其實你所做的一切, 只要有回應有認同, 那麼你就會覺得很享受這份付出; 就是你份內事情做了得不到認同, 所以你才悶悶不樂呀, 不是這樣嗎??

shirls 说...

阿年,好厉害哟!又写blog, 又拍短片,又搞newsletter。生活充实,又有电子和文艺气息。很好啊!

嘿!我可能会在上海停一,两个晚上。12月27,28日左右。有空带我出去‘泡泡’吗? 我的email是shirlchong2003@yahoo.com 。希望可以电邮联络。我可能会住进youth hostels 之类的。有好介绍吗?

shirls 说...

哎呀!抱歉。我agent刚跟我说,我不可以在上海stopover, 只可以transit。所以,我游上海的美梦成空啦!真是空欢喜一场。希望下次有机会去见见你啦!

傑士 说...

aiyah... so bad... first you gave me hope than you took it away in one instant second :) well, some other time then!!!

shirls 说...

sorry sorry. My agent loh. So bad. I was so disappointed too. No worries. I definitely want to make a trip to Shanghai soon. Will let you, ok ? :)