These pictures are actually taken when I was still studying in United Kingdom. Thanks Michael for reminding me of all these. I almost forgot about my life in UK actually. One thing that really shocked me is (obviously) my stupid hair style...

One might wonder why that hair? The obvious answer is that it was to freaking expensive to have a hair cut in United Kingdom. I remember it cost about 3 GBP (roughly 18 RM) to have a "shave". Yeah, the "shave" has (if I remember correctly) degrees - 1 is totally shaved, and 3 is to shave till 2 inches remain (or something like that). That also reminded me one time when I was entering a restroom.

I was actually being "blocked" by a lady. She yelled at me from my back, "hey, that is a man toilet!" Boy, how embarrassing that was! Certainly the main alert for me to have my hair cut for good. After moving to Netherlands, I started to have my hair shaved (or have my good friend did that for me). That made me look stupid either, but then, there will be no perfect haircut. Anyway, it is better than being yelled at entering the man toilet!
2 条评论:
很潮爆的髮型!!! 哈哈哈哈..
我看到的时候都下了一跳!!! :D