星期一, 四月 28, 2008

The World Ends with You

Close friends know that I am a game fanatic (even has dedicated a blog for games specifically for DS and PSP). I sometimes hope to find my passion in stuff other than games like perhaps food or even art, like my friend Sherman, or maybe just some thoughts of life like my friend Chloe and Shiau Hwee.

Well, I just love games. And, sometimes I got inspired by games, seriously. Just The World Ends with You. I am not going to tell you how great this game is because I have been talking about this here. At first, I thought the title means exactly how it sounds, the world ends with you -- when you dies, your world is gone (or something like that). And, in the middle of the game, I got the answer and I was deeply surprised. The meaning is so opposite. If you goes with my wrong understanding, it is very pessimistic and dark. Fortunately, it has entirely optimistic and encouraging meaning behind it.

The world ends with you means that (and I hope to explain to you you the meaning as clear as I could), the size of the world (e.g. the stuff you see, you hear, you understand, you experience, you feel, etc.) really is limited or depending on you. In other words, unless you learn, you explore, you open, you seek, etc. you will never jump out the size of the world that you have limited yourself. Pretty cool huh!?

1 条评论:

[SK] 说...

haha, well to be frank, i don't really have passion you thot on food.. why i posted about food in my blogs is just merely i appreciate nice food i had..

and why "the world ends with you"?? can i say "the world begins with you, and gets beautiful" instead?? :P