星期一, 九月 22, 2008

Jay is here again


English: After God-knows how many months, and how many so-called concert CDs/DVDs, finally he is going to release a new album. Today, his first song 《稻香》is released to all big radio stations. And, of course, you could already listen to this song on YouTube. Set aside the questions if the style has changed (basically still his strongest selling point), any breakthrough or not (sometimes I wonder what sort of breakthrough he could have), the lyrics are quite good. It is about "fight for dreams", "don't give up", "feel satisfied with what you have", "going home", "growing up", "appreciate everything you have", "true meaning of life is to stay happy", etc. Anyway, this song is very easy-listening. Probably that's why my good Freddie really loves his style, and becoming his number one Dutch fan.

3 条评论:

Chloe 说...

稻香is a very famous dim sum place in HK :)

傑士 说...

ooo i have no idea!!! is it good???

匿名 说...

Yeah! New Jay Music!