English: Finally today I have decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor for my stupid flu/cold. Even last time when I was ill like hell, I still insisted not going to the hospital due to the messiness and crowd. It is certainly very different from Malaysia. We have a lot of small clinics almost everywhere. But, here those clinics are actually "inside" a big hospital. It is good and bad. Good is that you could see the specialist directly without being referred by those clinic doctors. Bad is that damn crowded and messy. Alright, let me describe the whole process for you. First of all, I have to go to the so-called reception to get a ticket. But, since it was my first time, I have to fill in a form, which is a medical history form (basically it is for the convenience of the doctor here). Then, I have to carry the ticket and the medical history to a "registration" counter to pay and get a "number" to see the specialist. Since I had a cold/flu, according to the nurse at the reception desk, I should see a respiratory specialist. Since this was my first time, and I don't have what they call "society card", I have to buy a magnetic clinic card (shown in the figure), which I think to store my information (quite high-tech, isn't it). To register and to purchase the magnetic clinic card I have to pay roughly 12 RMB. Oh yeah, the woman at the registration counter didn't know how to enter my English name, she asked me to go to another counter. Well, I have to claim my insurance for this, so, my official name is actually my English name. After registered, I got a piece of printed paper from the counter stating which doctor specialist and a number. Fortunately, it was not that crowded today. After waiting for like 5 minutes, I saw the doctor. Before that I have to hand in the paper I got from the registration counter to the nurse at the front door. She tear half of the paper and gave it back to me, which I could use to claim insurance. After seeing the doctor, she printed a piece of prescription for me. I have to pay first back at the registration counter, then afterward picking up the medicine from (of course) "medicine counter". On top of the counter window, I could see my name printed, which was quite cool (another high-tech). Out of my expectation, I got like 4,5 big bottles of medicines. Seriously, I thought it was only a stupid cold/flu. Well, I even saw an aunt like picking up 20 (at least) big big small small packs of medicines! Seriously, it was like she is starting a pharmacy business. Anyway, the whole process was not as bad as I would expect. Probably because it was relatively smaller hospital. After almost 2 years of staying in Shanghai, this was my first time seeing a doctor!
1 条评论:
说实话 在中国我也不会看病 你说的这些过程基本上每次都是我妈妈帮我弄的 因为真的是很麻烦的 不过我建议你看一下你的药的成份 如果真的都是中药的话 你就吃吧 如果有的药里面含有抗生素的 我觉得还是算了 中国的医生 一点小病就给你吃抗生素 其实对人体的免疫系统不好的