What can I say, I just love these bags I got. One from Hong Kong (the biggest one) by Mastermind Production. I remember it costs about 250RMB (yeah not cheap). Then, I got another one from Kuala Lumpur, from KeyNG. This one is on sale, 40% discount. I paid 101RM (roughly 200RMB) for that. Finally, I got the smallest one, which is really my favorite in Shanghai Pudong. It is from AigoZheBao (apparently a local brand), and also the cheapest out of 3, costs 150RMB. Will I get more bags? I don't think so now. I have a very big one for traveling, a medium one for casual use, and a smallest one for office! All these can contain all my gadgets!
1 条评论:
Sound like these are new batch, remembered u did mention and show a series of your handbag in few mths ago .