tidal wave of bad economy originated from United States of America has certainly has hit everyone in the world.
Stock slump has hit almost every local Chinese that I know (some of my colleagues have "lost" or cannot touch roughly 400k RMB in stock). A lot of big giants (IT, finance, whatsoever) have started
massive employees layoff, which initiating another wave of worries and fear to all the white collars in the world, including China. Worse,
prices of daily stuff are flying so high that all people in the world trying hard to live even more frugal than usual. Now, Internet has been flooded with all sorts of information how to save money by wisely spending the money on daily stuff. Most of us don't dare to change job, even though not so happy in the current job. Some of us couldn't find a good job (with good package or foreseeable future plan), not even a job. Big companies trying to save money by reducing unnecessary expanse such as travelling, business entertainment, etc. (sometimes I think just cut teh pay of those C'X'Os to 10% probably could save the company). Anyway, at this economy dark age would be haunting us for the next two years (rumoured), I guess... we should be happy for whatever we have at this moment, even though we have lost a lot...
2 条评论:
will be graduating in May 2009.
am worried that i couldn't find a job...
sigh...why me? this time of the year...
i think you should be more confident :) cause new grad should be more easy to find a job than those so-called experienced people, believe me!