Today is certainly not a good day for me. One of my very favourite authors, the first English fiction I have ever read when I was 19, leaving Malaysia in United Kingdom for studying, staying in a tiny room with nothing but four walls, a bed and a table, was actually his, "The Lost World". Michael Crichtonpassed away of cancer on 4 Nov 2008 at 66. I have to say, this is certainly a shocking news to me. This may sound weird and geeky to a lot of people, but I really will miss him. I have read a lot of his masterpiece, and some of which I have actually revisited more than once, for example Congo I have read twice; The Lost World, probably three times, Jurassic Park, also two times, etc. The reason I love his books not only because the storyline is thrilling, fast-paced, but also because they are inspiring in a scientific kinda way. Truth to be told, I don't think anyone out there could do a better job than him... What a great loss to the world... He will definitely be missed, at least by me.
Check out the video to know more about his life... I almost wept for him...