本来上个weekend真的很不爽,因为要赶一个工作上的东东,所以必须weekend开工,星期六还要到一个地方去开会,very unhappy!所以,星期天的时候就抽空到徐家汇的港汇广场去逛逛。首先就到了代官山吃了一个很不健康的晚午餐。然后就到C&A买了一件白色的sweater和到HotWind买了一双鞋。还好,不贵。但是还是很心痛的,花了不少钱。然后回到家有要开工,至少还有一些东西慰劳一下自己。
Last weekend was really not a nice weekend because I have to rush a project stuff, therefore I have to work over the weekend. In fact, I have to go to a place for a meeting. No fun! Thus, on Sunday I have decided to go to Grand Gateway in Xu Hui for some shopping spree. First went to DainTi Hill for a very unhealthy lunch-dinner. Then, got a white sweater in C&A and a pair of shoes in Hot Wind. Even though they are not expensive, yet I feel bad about spending too much. Afterwards, I went home to continue my work, but at least I feel a bit better.

1 条评论:
上海也有C&A啦?! 价钱比荷兰贵还是便宜啊