是我奢侈吧?挥霍如土?也许是吧!也是因为庆祝一下自己发生了好事,在这经济如此糟糕的时刻下。我是幸运的。所以,狠下心来买了一台“爱疯” (iPhone)。坦白说,我本身很不喜欢Apple的产品--贵!所以曾几何时打算买Google Phone (HTC Dream)好了。结果看到很多不大好的reviews。所以,实际点,就买了Apple的东西。用起来还是挺不错的,这一点我不得佩服Apple的能力。而且,还有很多不同的App让我试和玩。所以我想是值得的。算是慰劳自己吧(唯一的一个买东西的好借口)。
Probably this is my most extravagant purchase. I wonder, am I wasting my hard-earned money? Probably I am. But, I just want to celebrate a good thing that happened to me (after so many bad things). In fact, under this bad economy, I consider myself really lucky. That's why I bought this "Love Crazy" (in Chinese it is pronounced almost as exactly as) iPhone. Honestly, I always don't like Apple stuff -- expensive! Therefore, I actually have considered Google Phone (or HTC Dream). After reading so many bad reviews, I finally decided I will give in to Steve for this time. In fact, it ain't bad. I so far like and enjoy it. Besides, there are tons of Apps for me to try and play with. So, I think it worth it. Just treat it as something in recognition of my own effort (the only good excuse I use nowadays to buy stuff).

1 条评论:
最近很會獎賞自己喔~~ :p