Today is 15 December, 3 more days! Without accident, I will be very happy on 19 December. I haven't felt so excited of something so meaningless for quite a while now. Or, maybe I have never felt that excited before. Probably this is the first time. In fact, I think it is a good thing to feel excited over something so meaningless, under this bad economy, dead-end job, routine life, albeit that something is totally entirely perfectly meaningless or shallow. No matter how life can suck, if you pay attention, there must be something albeit tiny or trivial in your life that does not suck. It is funny that this game can really let me experience this "deeper" meaning. Perhaps, I just need to find something meaningful out of this meaningless thing, so that I don't feel bad at all of spending that amount of money. Anyhow, I am happy!
3 条评论:
Happiness is pricless
so today is the day! enjoying it now?
can you bring fringe home this coming CNY?