一个周末的好与坏对我来说可以很简单的定论:睡得好,吃得饱,健身得满足,过得平淡简单无需工作就很好了。上个星期的3,4和5上了一个不错的training。关于Project Management的。但是很大部分都在说心理学。总的来说,很不错,学了不少东西。然后星期六就gym,收拾房间简单的过。很可恨的是,可能因为工作压力的关系,脸上忽然很青春,发了不少的痘痘,尤其是鼻子上的那一大点。真的很不舒服。我想新的一年应该学习如何去更健康的应对压力。星期天也没什么特别,就是gym然后看看Fringe,Law and Order,The Mentalist和最近很不错Channel 4的纪录片Catastrophe -- 一个叙述从地球诞生以来到现在所发生的大灾难,而这些大灾难对生命产生和进化的影响,非常有意义。星期天忽然降温,为了省电,家里的空调都省着开。总的来说这个weekend过得不大好,睡得不好,而且我期待的东西也还没到手!可恨!
The weekend is good or bad for me, normally depends on three factors: sleep good, eat well, and gym cool. Basically, it must be relaxing. However, last weekend was not so good for me. Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I had attended a good training course. It was about Project Management, however most of the time the trainer taught us something psychology. And, overall the course was interesting, and I certainly have learned a lot. After that maybe because of the stress at work, my face is suddenly full of whelk, especially the big one on my nose. It is very annoying and uncomfortable. I think for next year, I really should learn a healthier way to deal with stress. Anyway, Saturday I didn't do anything useful, went to gym cleaned the house, and watched Fringe, The Mentalist, Law and Order, and a very interesting documentary from Channel 4, Catastrophe -- it is about a series of catastrophes happened on earth ever since the born of earth, and how these catastrophes influence the birth and evolution of life. Then, Sunday the temperature dropped suddenly. I tried not to turn on the heater too much to save money (and save the earth -- yeah right). Overall, the weekend was not so good, I didn't sleep so well. And, more importantly, the thing that I have expected for so long hasn't reached me yet! Damn it!