Long time ago, when I was young, I never thought the world is huge, so many information so many news. Nowadays perhaps the world is getting smaller and closer (due to advanced transportation and network) I certainly feel there is just too much information in too limited time, especially when nowadays I have to work on a weekly newsletter for work. I always use Bloglines to collect all work-related news and information. Nowadays I also use Google Reader to collect games-related news, which I really like. However, I realized recently that I am not so up-to-date with the news that happen in the world. I spent too little time to read news even though I access Google News or CNN from time to time. It is very embarrassing for me that I know nothing much about "Mumbai Terrorist Attack" or whatever tragic incidents happening in Africa.

I am just lazy to read news on the Internet, and not even buying any newspaper (too many types of newspaper here), so I have decided to use another approach -- using the iPhone. It is very convenient to subscribe and download podcasts using iTunes. I have subscribed to BBC Global News podcast. Every night iTunes downloads 20-minute of podcast about global news, and then upload it to iPhone automatically. Then, I can just listen to it in the shuttle bus to work. When you get older, you have less time, ironically I normally waste my time at home -- doing nothing useful at all.