忙忙忙的。真的很开心把搬家的事情解决了。剩下的只是交旧房子的事情而已。接下来就是专注在工作上!接下这一份"市场预测"(Marketing Intelligence)差事,其实本身是很开心的。终于可以开始迈向自己想干的活。做起来是很不上手,毕竟没有做过。而且还得跟agency打交道,也是一门学问。而且我本身觉得这一门学问不是能从课本或课堂上学到的,是经验。我告诉自己要好好干,好好学。现在这一个阶段还是很多琐碎的事情要忙的。而且,还挺考验我的记忆里,因为很多时候我必须将一个电话里所有东西用脑记下来,尤其在没有笔和纸的情况下(巴士或地铁里)。有时候我觉得这一份差事还是适合女生来做,因为毕竟男生还是很大条没有女生来得细心,很多细节男生都会忽略。另外一份差事就是Business Excellence。也是一份非常累人的差事,因为也是要打理一些公司的琐碎事情,加上有些时候还要去追一些managers要东西。所以,跟人(老板级人物)打交道也要分外小心。也可以说是一种训练自己的机会吧!所以这两件差事就可以令我忙得有一点烦躁起来,额头上的一点点红豆就是这样逼出来的。
Busy busy busy. I am happy that I have (almost) finished the house-moving affairs. What left is to hand in my keys to the old place to the landlord. Next is to focus all my energy in work. Ever since I came back from Malaysia, I have started doing something that I have never done before -- Marketing Intelligence. I am happy and definitely welcome the change because finally I could take the first step of doing something I have wanted to do for a while. At the beginning, till now, I didn't handle it very well or smooth, mainly because there are just too many new procedure that I am not familiar with. And, it definitely requires a lot of people skill, cause I need to interact with agency, i.e., external professional marketing party. I really believe all these people skill thing is not built from text book or lectures, but from experience. I still need to learn how to take care of so many small yet critical things simultaneously at the same time. And, it definitely trains my memory because I have to remember all sorts of things in one phone call conversation when there is no pen or pad around (e.g. subway or bus). Sometimes I do think girls are more suitable for this type of work because they are more careful and attentive on all the small details, and guys are more or less the opposite. Another matter to take care of other than marketing intelligence is Business Excellence. It could be quite a tiring job as well because you need to take care of all quality-related business, e.g. procedure, process, results, etc. in a company. Sometimes you have to chase after those managers for some results or reports, which could be challenging. I have to be careful and also attentive when I interact with these boss-level people. Another chance to train myself no less. These two matters are somehow have become my job nowadays.
1 条评论:
wow!! it was a challenging job.