星期三, 十二月 24, 2008

Decreasing of health...

Maybe I am really old... I certainly can feel that my health is not as good as it used to be. Been living in Shanghai for almost 2 years now, and I have been suffering from minor and severe illness for countless times.

  • 水土不服:可能是这个原因,刚过来的时候,时不时地肚痛拉肚子不知名的疲惫了好几周。
    Not accustomed to Shanghai climate: The first few weeks when I arrived in Shanghai, I kept having stomach problem, and been feeling tired all the time.

  • 大小食物中毒:不能说中国的食物都很脏,只能怪自己的抵抗力不够好。经常性的觉得肚子不舒服。
    Food poisoning: It is not because Chinese food, probably I should blame my own weak antibody. I always feel there is something bothering in my stomach.

  • 鼻炎鼻敏感:这不能怪上海,但是虽然是从小到大的毛病,但是好像来了上海后要比在荷兰是严重和频繁多了。好像这一两天把我给折磨得不像人样。
    Nose inflammation/allergy: Can't blame Shanghai for this (or can I?). It has been bothering me since I was very young. But them seems like it has become more severe compared to the time when I was in Netherlands.

  • 大小感冒:几乎每换季的时候就会犯一次,而且最近发现好像一个季节(3个月最多)里会发生两三次。最近的那一次是最严重的一次,3天3夜病得死去活来。
    All sorts of cold: OK, this happens almost all the time especially during seasonal change. But, lately I feel that it has been happening more frequently, like 2-3 times in one season (which is about 3 months max). The last time probably was the most severe one, I have been ill in bed for almost 3 days and 3 nights.

  • 严重头痛:头痛是经常发生的,尤其在工作特别忙压力特别大的时候。最近的一次可以说是最严重的一次。一个星期头痛脑胀,结果得到医院去看医生。经检查发现两条血管(还是神经)小了,所以才会头痛。医生说要小心压力。
    Bad headache: Headache can happen quite frequently, especially during the time when work gets busy and stressful. The last time was the most severe one, been suffering from that for almost 1 week. I went to the hospital for couple checkups. Apparently two blood vessels (or nerves, I am not sure) are becoming smaller, and that is the cause of headache. The doctor advised me to handle stress more wisely.

  • 皮肤敏感:可能是空气不好的关系(食物也是原因),皮肤特别敏感。脸上经常会上火发痘。
    Skin allergy: Probably because of the atmosphere or maybe the food, my skin has become more sensitive, especially my face.

Probably Shanghai really dislikes me. But, I am not going to give up. I just hope next year all these minor discomfort health issues would be gone. Nowadays, I have become more careful with my diet, and know how to take good care of myself. Probably it is the experience I gather from the aging process.

4 条评论:

[SK] 说...

希望屬蛇的你, 明年乙丑年健康運會好轉吧!! :)

s@m巧彦 说...

get well soon!

Chloe 说...


匿名 说...
