虽然我很穷,但是我还是很奢侈。也许是需要一些心灵上的安抚,也许可以说是我的嗜好。也许,这也是我越来越穷的原因。无论如何,我还是很喜欢这一些high-tech gadgets! 2008年我也花了不少钱。2009年可以说是我花钱花得最开心的一年(不是因为我很有,而是因为物有所值)。
Yes, I am damn broke, yet I am still extravagant. Perhaps, I just need some materialistic gadgets to fulfill my spiritual void. Perhaps, this is also the main reason why I am getting poorer by the day. Anyway, I still like all these high-tech gadgets. In 2008, I have spent quite amount of cash on gadgets. 2009 is perhaps the year that I am most happy with my purchase because they worth it
六月左右 (around June) Philips Tapster: 它让我摆脱了线的困扰,让我能真正的享受到什么叫做自由。它也是我目前来说为一个能让我满意的飞利浦产品!
It frees me from cables, it lets me really enjoy the freedom of entertainment. It certainly is the most satisfying Philips product that I have purchased thus far.
十月左右 (around October) 16G PSPGo: 我喜欢我的PSP。近五年了,我还是非常enjoy我的PSP。PSPGo的小巧轻盈,清晰的画面,让我对它爱不释手!
I love my PSP. After almost five years, I still enjoy my PSP very much. And, this PSPGo, its compact light size, and clear image display makes me love it even more.
十一月左右 (around November) HTC Hero: 我决定买了这一台Android的手机,原因很简单,我要一个3G号码,也想要体验一下Android。目前来说,我很喜欢,虽然它还是有瑕疵。
I have decided to buy this Android-powered mobile phone. Simple reasons, I want a 3G number, and I want to experience Android. Up to now, I like it, even though it has some flaws.
十二月左右 (around December) 250G PS3 Slim: 这是我最满意的一个产品。除了游戏外,我已经用它当作我家的一个media center。太棒了!而且我的PSPGo也有一个大哥哥了!
This is the most satisfying purchase I have made. In addition to gaming, I also use it as a media center for my home now. It is really a great product! Now, my PSPGo has a big brother!