Anyway, I still hold this belief tight in my heart and brain! I am still fighting my way to find a brighter future - in this mess. I try not to dwell into my family's problems that much, I try not to be dragged down by this negative energy floating around in the office, I try not to be too clouded by short and sad vision. I am working on something now, which I think I really want to try out at least before I am too old for that! And, future does get better if this works out, or this opens my eyes further!

I love gadgets and technologies, and there is no secret in that. Last year my proud possession is Playstation 3. This year, I got my Macbook, Playstation Move, Playstation Soundbar, iPad (for my brother and parents - and they love it), and recently Samsung Galaxy Tab. And, I can say that 2010 proud possession of mine is the Tab! All these lifeless material stuff are actually milestones of my journey and my career.
I still have some dreams, and luckily for me, I still have a chance to fulfill those dreams, one by one. This year, I have the house renovated, and helped my brother a bit with his dreams, as well as the house. Owning a property is a dream come true, even though I am now actually a slave to that house. Now, another dream, will try to fulfill that in the coming two years! God bless everyone, and may 2011 brings prosper, health and wealth to everyone!